The property section provides specialist advice and support to NHS Wales and the Welsh Government on all aspects of land and property including:
- Acquisitions and disposals – we manage the acquisition and disposal of all land and property for NHS Wales
- Lease management – we undertake and advise on all aspects of lease management work including: lease renewals, rent reviews, lease aquisitions and termination, service charges, dilapidations, licences/MOTOs etc
- Property management – we undertake and advise on all aspects of property management work including: easements, wayleaves and other rights over land and property, covenants and disputes, clawback and overage clauses, valuation of land and property, business rates, planning policy and Local Development Plans
- ePIMS database – we maintain the ePIMS database on behalf of NHS Wales
- Land and property portfolio (LAPP) – we manage and maintain the LAPP (the NHS Wales estate terrier)
- Drawing office – we produce estate plans and maps for NHS Wales and undertake measurement and survey of land and property
- Primary care GP rental reassessment – we undertake rental valuations of more than 600 GP premises on a rolling three yearly basis for reimbursement purposes
- Primary care lease and property management – we advise on all aspects of lease and property management within the primary care sector
- Premises improvement and grants for primary care properties
- Third party Developments (3PDs) – we support the delivery and funding process of third party primary care development projects
- Capital developments – we provide support on the design and layout of primary care capital funded development projects
- Advise on exemplar lease documentation for occupation of primary care premises
- Assit with post project design and functionally review of primary care schemes and post project feedback of the performance of the building contractors and third party developers
(only available to
NHS Wales employees)
The Team
Clive Ball
Head of Property
All matters relating to property
Andrew Nash
Principal Property Surveyor
Acquisitions & disposals, Lease management
Ceri Jones
Principal Property Surveyor
Primary care
Steven Roberts
Senior Estates Advisor
Primary care
Carl Waskiewicz
Property Surveyor
Acquisitions & disposals, Lease management
Caroline Lewis
Senior Estates Advisor
Primary care
Sian Cornwell-Shaw
Property Surveyor
Acquisitions & disposals, Lease management
Adele Paterson
Property Surveyor
Primary care
Property Surveyor
Cerys Halford
Property Surveyor
Acquisitions & disposals, Lease management
Jonathan Miles
Property Surveyor
Property Surveyor
Mark Miller
Property Officer
Drawing office, LAPP
Jamie Evans
Drawing office
Assistant Technical Officer
Drawing office
Secondary Menu
General enquiry
If you have a general enquiry please phone 029 2090 4084 or alternatively contact us at
How do we add value for money?
We are an experienced and longstanding all-Wales NHS organisation that delivers quality accredited estates and facilities related services at no charge to our NHS Wales and Welsh Government customers. Our professional Surveyors, Architects and Engineers play a crucial role in the development of the NHS Wales built environment including work to ensure compliance with technical standards, improve safety, maximise receipts from the disposal of surplus land and property and minimise rent and service charge liability for leased accommodation. Savings produced from this activity and the use by Health Boards of our construction procurement frameworks are redistributed for patient care and experience purposes.
Our mission statement
“To champion modern, sustainable, safe and efficient healthcare environments to meet the needs of our customers and broader stakeholder communities.”
Get in Touch
If you have a query for our Specialist Estates Services. Please contact us below: