Different types of reference books

Reference books are a great place to start your research. They will give you concise, factual information on a particular topic intended to educate, not persuade. Appropriate college-level reference materials include items like specialized encyclopedias and dictionaries.

The print and electronic reference sources we provide are all free to Olympic College students and employees to use because the subscription is provided by Olympic College Library.

Few, if any, of these eBook reference sources can be obtained free from Google searches. They are part of what is called the "Invisible Web". They are written, edited, and reviewed by experts and therefore qualify as academic sources for college-level research and writing.

Selected Reference Databases

A great place to start your research, Credo offers Reference articles on just about any topic, and allows you to launch further article and library book searches directly from your results page.

In-depth, unbiased reports covering ". political and social issues, with regular reports on topics in health, international affairs, education, the environment, technology, and the U.S. economy."

Search dozens of encyclopedias from a variety of subject areas.

**This database is maintained by Kitsap Regional Library and requires your KRL library card number for full text access**
Contains reprinted essays supporting both sides of a variety of timely social issues.